Corn and Green Beans for the Picking

canning green beans

Everything is happening all at once in our garden and the produce is ripe for the picking. I'm just getting ready to can our green pole beans. We've already been sampling some of our corn but here's an earlier photo of our grandson Ryan in a small corn patch with his blue hat on.

grandson in the corn patch

green beans from the garden

pole beans reaching towards the sky

Photos for Blue Monday and yes, those are Kentucky Wonder green beans!

sweet potato vine starts in water

Each one of the sprouted vines from the main sweet potato are now broken off and are re-rooting in a shallow dish of water. When the roots are longer, they will be placed in prepared soil to grow much bigger. Later on, one can see purple flowers all over the vines growing everywhere.

orange kitchen with sweet potato vines

So, we started growing more and more sweet potato slips for the garden in my pretty orange kitchen and oh, my goodness... those vines sure took off in the soil beds! Here is the same photo edited with a texture and color boost for Mandarin Orange Monday

orange kitchen with photo editing

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“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C. S. Lewis
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