Today at the Farmers' Market, I discovered there was an interest for children's books in Spanish. The folks would stop by my table and ask me what "el nabo" meant... the turnip, but not just any turnip, you see, it is "gigante!"
I would like to introduce you to a couple of my favorites. Since I am a Grandma and we say YaYa in Greek, here's a cute story about My Granny Goes to Market in Spanish!
1. Abuelita fue al mercado

(My Granny Went to Market)
"Each page delights the senses and opens young eyes to the world around them!"—School Library Journal
The Spanish language edition of My Granny Went to Market.
Fly away with Granny as she takes a magic carpet ride around the world, collecting a steadily increasing number of souvenirs from each exotic location! This rhyming story will take young readers on an adventure to different countries while teaching them to count along the way.

Recent praise:
"Granny's quest to buy a few specialty items leads to a fantastical flight to the markets of the world. Bright folk art enlivens the journey... Each page delights the senses and opens young eyes to the world around them. A fresh and lively edition. "
- School Library Journal
2.El nabo gigante - Paperback
(The Gigantic Turnip)
"Make room for this one, because Niamh Sharkey's drolly comic illustrations are going to make this version the new storytime favorite." - Bulletin (starred review)
The Spanish-language edition of The Gigantic Turnip.
This hilarious retelling of the classic Russian tale about a farmer whose turnip is impossible to pull from the ground uses simple vocabulary and is ideal for reading aloud. Its cumulative theme will soon have young readers gleefully joining in, and Irish artist Niamh Sharkey's wonderfully quirky illustrations will delight and fascinate all ages.
Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book, 1999
Society of Illustrators' selection The Original Art Show, 1999
CCBC Choices, 2000
Recent praise:
"So, how many great big enormous turnips do you need on the library shelf? Make room for this one, because Niamh Sharkey's drolly comic illustrations are going to make this version the new storytime favorite. The retelling itself is a rollicking rendition of Tolstoy's original, with a rhythmic accumulation of helpful farm animals.... A fine combination of illustration and text, this turnip is going to be the new staple crop for the storytime crew." - The Bulletin for the Center of Children's Books (starred review)
"Sharkey's illustrations call to mind Brian Karas's work, offering a lot of quirky visual details.... The pictures are big enough for a small storytime and kids will find plenty to look at in one-on-one sharing." - School Library Journal
"Up-to-the-minute illustrations and graphic design serve as the new-fangled foil to the well-known Russian folktale.... Sharkey's pacing creates circular balance: the story begins calmly and ends calmly, with plenty of fun in between." - Publishers Weekly
3. Juan y los frijoles mágicos - Paperback
(Jack and the Beanstalk)

"Trimmed to a jaunty pace and filled with lively humor ... this remains a rousing adventure"— Kirkus Reviews
One day, when they have no food left, Jack's mom sends him to market to sell the cow. On the way, Jack bumps into a funny little man wearing a big, baggy jacket with big, baggy pockets. In the pockets lie six bewitched beans, but the funny little man has lost the instructions for them. Jack's adventure begins when he swaps Daisy the cow for six magic beans that grow to the land of the clouds.
Discover these easy to read children's book's in Spanish with stunning illustrations.
You can order these books at:
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