First Fire and Fire Plugs

blue fire hydrant over in Europe

red and blue fire hydrant in the city

yellow fire hydrant in the country

  • Fire Hydrants
fire hydrant is an active fire protection measure, and a source of water provided in most urban, suburban and rural areas with municipal water service to enable firefighters to tap into the municipal water supply to assist in extinguishing a fire... The concept of fire plugs dates to at least the 17th century. This was a time when firefighters responding to a call would dig down to the wooden water mains and hastily bore a hole to secure water to fight fires. The water would fill the hole creating a temporary well, and be transported from the well to the fire by bucket brigades or, later, by hand-pumped fire engines. The holes were then plugged with stoppers, normally redwood, which over time came to be known as fire plugs. The location of the plug would often be recorded or marked so that it could be reused in future fires. This is the source of the colloquial term fire plug still used for fire hydrants today. For more, visit Fire Hydrant.

What color are the fire hydrants in your area? Ours are mostly all yellow but I have seen some red and blue ones in the city. The first one is most unusual and I'm assuming it's over in Europe, since I took this photo online from free source images. Anyways, they are most important and very imperative when fighting fires occurs. Have you had a fire in your area recently?

Photos for Blue Monday

  • First Fire
Camp Pendleton Fire

Camp Pendleton Fire nearby

fire all contained

On Camp Pendleton we experienced our first Fall fire of the season. 250 acres or so were burned. Thankfully, no one was hurt or injured. 3 buildings received some destruction (including a hospital) but all in all, we were lucky this time around. Conditions remain hot and dry in SoCal. The cause of the fire remains unknown.

  • Fire Contained
sunset on Camp Pendleton fire
Original Photo
Fortunately, the fire is totally out! I happened to grab this shot as the sun was setting. Now we all can rest peacefully.

  • Photo Editing

fire photo edit
Photo Edit: Dark Paint Texture

sunset photo edit
Photo Edit: Burst Multiply Texture

sunset glow in space
Photo Edit: Space Overlay

Fire can be so destructive and deadly. It just takes a little spark to explode into an out-of-control situation. We are so very thankful all is well now.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C. S. Lewis

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