Elizabeth Dulemba's illustration is so inviting for summer fun and begs for creativity and embellishment. I purposefully created her book to touch the edge of the cloud because I believe stories can take a child anywhere and wow, what a journey of reading wonderful, exciting children's books over the summer!
Coloring Page Tuesdays
So, what do you do with your kids? I like to read picture books with my grandchildren in hopes that they will become good readers on their own. You know, parents have the power, the power to impact children, especially during the early years.
Did you know that 90% of a child’s brain is formed in the first 5 years of life? What happens during this time not only impacts their brain development at the moment, but how they learn and grow for the rest of their life. Children are born with almost all the neurons they will ever have. What changes is the wiring, which is based on experience and activity. By three months old baby’s brains are very active and between 4 and 9 their brain activity is actually twice as active as an adult brain. Incredible!
Reading Suggestions
I love it when my grandson asks, "Do pies grow on trees, YaYa?" There's soooo many good books out there but here's just a few that my kiddos like to hear, over and over.Pie in the Sky
The Kissing Hand
The Rainbow Fish
Duck! Rabbit!
Little Quack (Classic Board Books)
What are you reading over the summer?
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“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” -- C. S. Lewis
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