Are you familiar with The Animal Boogie? Barefoot Books has developed an international reputation for publishing award-winning books that celebrate art and story. Animal Boogie has earned these awards and honors:
* Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award, 2001
* Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award, 2003
* Society of School Librarians International Honor Book, 2001

* Book Details
Can you boogie? Down in the Indian jungle, the children and animals are learning about actions like leaping, stomping, shaking and flapping while meeting different jungle creatures. Book with CD editions include song sung by acclaimed children's performer Fred Penner.
Ages 3 to 7 years
Illustrated By: Debbie Harter
Sung By: Fred Penner

* Book Price
Hardcover with Music CD $16.99
Paperback with Music CD $9.99
Paperback $6.99
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Mom Reviews:
* You can Boogie all night long! from wiggleytoes
Easy to read, Well-written, Animals, Educational, Colorful, Sing-along, Humor, Great illustrations
I love this book - and the CD too! Animal Boogie not only is entertaining, but it builds vocabulary and rhythm skills! My kids love to sing and dance to this book. At first, we didn't use the CD. We made up our own tune, and of course it would change each time we read the book. We would stand and dance as we went along. Then, we tired out the CD and decided that its' tune was far better than ours and we adopted it for all of our subsequent reads.
The only complaint I have is that we can't read this book at bedtime any more. It just gets us going and giggling that we are more awake than when we began!
The illustrations are so colorful and fun they truly enhance the read.
I would recommend Animal Boogie to any toddler through grade school!
* Animals, Multicultural, Colorful, Sing-along, Great illustrations by Jennifer
This book was my first introduction to Barefoot Books and is what sold me on them! Not only are the illustrations unbelievably bright and colorful, but they are inclusive of multiple cultures and all abilities. Being a mother of a special needs child, I appreciated that! The CD that goes along with the book is so cheerful and the music is catchy and fun...it will have you dancing and jumping right along with your children. Be prepared...this will become a favorite in no time!

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